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SS Bullion Runic Tab for NCO

Article about: I scored what I think is a really nice bullion SS tab for NCO's. It's in great condition and has some loose threads but I'm not sure if it's a uniform removed piece. I don't really see many

  1. #11


    Quote by Aldo View Post
    Thanks John, I didn't recognize you with your new avatar LOL
    I have to keep things fresh so I thought a bullion v-1 rocket would be cool
    Hopefully more people chime in on your tab! Certainly a nice learning opportunity. I wouldn't discard it just because of the excess material on the reverse.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement SS Bullion Runic Tab for NCO
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  3. #12


    OH a Buzz Bomb ! Wasn't sure what that was, very cool.
    Yes I think it's a good one but there is always room for speculation, in hand inspection of the tab though is pretty convincing.
    Regards, Al

  4. #13


    For what it is worth, I like it as well. The thread, the cloth and the buckram.

  5. #14


    Here I took two more shots at a better angle to show that the runes are not misshapen, they are actually perfectly symmetrical. The angle of the photo's and the warping of the actual tab give the wrong appearance sometimes. That's why an in hand visual inspection is so necessary. I am far from any type of expert, these still give me hard time but this looks great in hand.

    SS Bullion Runic Tab for NCO

    SS Bullion Runic Tab for NCO
    Regards, Al

  6. #15


    Aldo's tab is a one-looker original.

  7. #16


    Looks good to me. Not necessarily restricted to NCO's. Combat Officers would have worn these types.

  8. #17


    Quote by PDavies View Post
    Looks good to me. Not necessarily restricted to NCO's. Combat Officers would have worn these types.
    Thanks, it makes sense. Good to know
    Regards, Al

  9. #18


    I was looking at all the old treaths about ss tab.
    I'm trying to learn something...
    I'm interested in buying one, embroied which is practically the same as this one.
    The one I'm interested in also has this characteristic, that is, in some area of the runes, there is a patina on top, but is it patina? or oxidation or something else?
    the interesting thing for me is that in all the tabs that I have looked at these days in the various forums to get an idea, I have only found 2 tabs with this feature.
    this one and the one I would like to buy, and both are without piping, coincidence?
    Thanks in advance for any comments.
    SS Bullion Runic Tab for NCO

  10. #19


    If I'm understanding you correctly, there appears to be white powder in the circled areas, this I'm sure would be oxidation, due to the nature that the tab has been stored. If it's the shape of the corners, it would be interesting to see a picture of the tab you intend to buy.

  11. #20


    Hello Pauls,

    thanks for your reply,
    Yes I meant the white powder.
    Today i was looking in the older threats here in the forum, I found one where they explained the oxidation itself.
    Now it's all clearer to me.
    About the tab i'm intersted,
    I'll post photos as soon as possible

    oxidation of bullion on collar tabs

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