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SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

Article about: The origins of the insignia in the SS Totenkopfverbaende, or SS Wachverbaende as they were called in 1935 in the documents below give rise to much speculation. The cuff titles were introduce

  1. #1

    Default SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    The origins of the insignia in the SS Totenkopfverbaende, or SS Wachverbaende as they were called in 1935 in the documents below give rise to much speculation.

    The cuff titles were introduced in the latter part of 1935, for instance, the one pictured here.

    This regalia was subject to strict control as you see here. SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Nor will you find this information on the baby talk, forehead free pressure websites, where indignation and affect drive out analysis and research.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.
    Last edited by Friedrich-Berthold; 07-24-2011 at 01:22 PM.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.
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  3. #2

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Of note, too, for us fans of Austria is the advent of the "SS Sammelstelle" cuff title around this time, as well, that is summer and fall of 1935.

    see extract in post 3 below.

  4. #3

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    I may be re-stating the obvious here, but I had not seen this item before, and since the "Oberbayern" issue is of more than tangential interest to me, I include it here.

    One also notes that the prices for "dead heads" went down around this time, too, which indicates something subtle, but I cannot fathom what.

    Someone should get out their oiyja (sp) board for some automatic writing to the Deschler foreman who talks in the heads of certain members of other fora.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

  5. #4

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Here a subtle issue of collar patches explained in the original source, which should give sober pause to the embroidery experts on other sites, with their terminal flatulence engendered by a deep indigestion about the past.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    I will let others translate all of this, since I did enough work just to find it all.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

  6. #5

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    A word to the curious. The SS Beschaffungsamt in the RZM (with its organizational bridge to the VA SS) was renamed Abteilung 10 in the midst of the reorganization of the RZM in the course of 1935.....SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

  7. #6

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    And no wonder that today SS uniform causes so much headache around the world, for no one knew how to distinguish pieces of uniform at said time, i.e. Breecheshose versus Stiefelhose.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    thanks to Robert H for his image.....

  8. #7

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Or here in the case of the summer weight uniforms as well as drill cotton varieties.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

  9. #8

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    the shadows in which arose what are now foetid woolens......SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.
    Attached Images Attached Images SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions. 

  10. #9

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Thank you F-B for gathering this information from the primary sources and taking the time to share it. As always with the information you present, fertile ground for further study.

    With gratitude and kindest regards,


  11. #10

    Default Re: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

    Quote by Friedrich-Berthold View Post
    Of note, too, for us fans of Austria is the advent of the "SS Sammelstelle" cuff title around this time, as well, that is summer and fall of 1935.
    Allow me to add an example of the cuff title in wear (by Alfred Rodenbücher). Please see here: SS Wachverbaende 1935, introduction of insignia conditions.

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