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Jack's helmets books

Article about: Hello everyone, here is the place to present also your Helmets books. Every book is welcome specially if it is one hard to classify. You can post a review of the book with a few photographs. Simple & interesting for everyone.

  1. #1

    Default Jack's helmets books

    I use the internet & books for references, here are the books.

    Let me start with a work of love by 3 French collectors. Their work in 3 volumes took 20 years to complete, the original editor of the first volume quit because of low sales. That did not stop the project but did slow it down. The second volume was financed personally by the 3 authors. The 3rd volume could not be released until enough money came back from the sale of the second volume. After a few years they were able to release it, the 3rd volume(400 + pages included more photos, updates & corrections from the previous volumes. This project was also possible with the help of many passionate world wide collaborators.
    This encyclopedia is a must. In French.
    Volume 1 & 2 are available (second hand), volume 3 is very hard to find.

    LES CASQUES DE COMBAT du monde entier de 1915 à nos jours. Tome 1
    Edition: Lavauzelle, 1984
    Authors: Jean-Gabriel Dagnas, Yves Plasseraud, Pierre-Paul Struye (redaction comity) & many other passionate people.
    272 pages, 200 photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    LES CASQUES DE COMBAT du monde entier de 1915 à nos jours. Tome 2
    Edition: PSD (self published) 1991
    Authors: Jean-Gabriel Dagnas, Yves Plasseraud, Pierre-Paul Struye (redaction comity) & many other passionate people.
    294 pages, 513 photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    LES CASQUES DE COMBAT du monde entier de 1915 à nos jours. Tome 3
    Edition: PSD (self published) 1996
    Authors: Jean-Gabriel Dagnas, Yves Plasseraud, Pierre-Paul Struye (redaction comity) & many other passionate people.
    420 pages, 1119 photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books
    Last edited by MAP; 09-17-2024 at 12:27 AM.

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  3. #2

    Default ELMETTI (HELMETS) by Paolo Marzetti

    ELMETTI (HELMETS) by Paolo Marzetti is another must have.
    The author is Italian, the plus for this book apart from being full of information
    is that it is bilingual, Italian & English. This 2003 is the fourth Edition.

    Authors: Paolo Marzetti
    494 pages, 1000 + photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

  4. #3

    Default LES CASQUES MILITAIRES des États d'Amérique latine. XIXème au XXI ème Siècles

    Yves Plasseraud with the help of many collaborators put together (again) a great book,
    this time shedding light on the obscure helmets of Central & South America States.
    Yves Plasseraud visited every States involved & of course their Military museum.
    This is a wonderful book!
    The book is in French, at the end of each Chapter a summary in Spanish & English is provided.

    LES CASQUES MILITAIRES des États d'Amérique latine. XIXème au XXIème Siècles
    Publisher: Maharg Press Washington, DC, 2013
    Director: Yves Plasseraud. With the help of many other passionate people.
    310 pages, hundreds of colour & B&W photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Example of Spanish & English Chapter summary.
    Jack's helmets books

  5. #4

    Default Tin hats to composite helmets. A collector's guide.

    Here is a book I recommend for many reasons. Martin Brayley was able to give a good overview of the main steel & early composite helmets in 144 pages. Himself an former British soldier he experienced wearing the Mk. V steel helmet & it's transition to the Mk.6 composite helmet. The text is accompanied by almost 700 photos. The size of the book make it easy to carry (I'm a book guy so this book is never to far). It is great for a quick visual or historical reference.
    Good book for beginners & for quick references.

    Edition: The Crowood Press Ltd. 2008
    Authors: Martin J. Brayley
    144 pages, almost 700 photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

  6. #5
    MAP is offline


    Thanks for the suggestions
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  7. #6


    The evolution of the M-1 helmet went on for almost 40 years after WW-2.
    This book presents prototypes, the modifications with hundreds of photos, technical drawings, info on contracts, helmet covers & more.

    Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 1999
    Author: Marc A. Reynosa
    136 pages, more than 300 photos

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books
    Last edited by Jack59; 09-15-2024 at 08:54 PM. Reason: Edition date added

  8. #7

    Default HELMET'S OF THE FIRST WORLD WAR Germany, Britain & their allies

    Superb photos of over 150 WW I helmets from the authors collections accompanied with period photos from the Imperial War Museum archives.

    Germany, Britain & their allies
    Edition: Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 2000
    Authors: Michael J Haselgrove & Branislav Radovic
    Photography by Robert Biondi
    290 pages, more than 600 photos

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books
    Last edited by Jack59; 09-15-2024 at 09:55 PM. Reason: Added title

  9. #8


    Not “Combat”….but “Helmets of the Home Front” is pretty good….

  10. #9


    + Bob Clawson book on Russian lids is useful……as is/are Ludwig B’s books on German lids. Roger Lucy’s book on Canuck helmets is useful

  11. #10

    Default Les coiffures de combat de l' armée allemande 1914-1918

    Another great book (unfortunately) in French about all the Imperial German headdress of 1914-1918. It covers all the headdress, all of them!
    Full of details & awesome photographs.

    Edition: MEMORABILIA & HEIMDAL, 2017
    Authors: Bernard Vitte & Eric Monfort
    253 pages, more than 700 photos.

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Jack's helmets books

    Each page is a marvel.

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