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Antique store find

Article about: Hi all, Found this at a local antique store the other day and was debating on picking it up. Apologies for the busy background/picture quality...I was taking them in-store and these were the

  1. #1

    Default Antique store find

    Hi all,

    Found this at a local antique store the other day and was debating on picking it up. Apologies for the busy background/picture quality...I was taking them in-store and these were the best I could get. Hopefully they can still give you a good idea. TR helmets are a new area for me, but I know it can be exciting to find one with the double decal, so I thought I would post it here and see what I can learn from those who know about such things. What do people think of this piece? Does everything look as it should? Are the paint/decals original? Are there any other red flags that I should be concerned about? It's a fairly hefty price tag for an impromptu purchase, but if everything checks out it could be a really cool piece to have in the collection.

    Antique store find
    Antique store find
    Antique store find
    Antique store find
    Antique store find

    It does have a couple of stamped markings on the shell, although again I'm not familiar enough with them to know what they all stand for. I believe the FT66 is the maker/batch number, but I would love to know anything else you can tell about them.

    Antique store find
    Antique store find

    Thanks so much everyone for your help!

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2


    Unfortunately you picked up a complete fake. Not even the shell is Ww2. (Stamps are the wrong style and font).
    The tricolor on an M42 should have been a red flag.

  4. #3


    Ah, very glad I didn't buy it then! I didn't actually get it when I found it, just took some pictures to go home and research. Appreciate you pointing out the telling details. Like I said, I don't know much about the TR helmets, just enough to know when I need help haha. That's too bad...it would have been cool if it was real. Thanks for giving me the heads up!

  5. #4
    MAP is offline


    Smart move posting it for review before purchasing it.

    Frank is 100% correct. Everything is fake.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  6. #5


    Best thing to do is buy some reference books to see whats what in the types of WW2 helmets, then you would know that the 'raw' edge helmet 'M42 model' never had a tricolour decal! ( and the majority no decal at all )

    Then everything else becomes suspect...... which it is as has already been pointed out.

    Good to post it here before handing over a 'hefty' price .....Imo antique stores are full of overpriced junk

  7. #6


    Smart move posting it for review before purchasing it.

    Frank is 100% correct. Everything is fake.
    Thanks MAP!

    Best thing to do is buy some reference books to see whats what in the types of WW2 helmets, then you would know that the 'raw' edge helmet 'M42 model' never had a tricolour decal! ( and the majority no decal at all )

    Then everything else becomes suspect...... which it is as has already been pointed out.

    Good to post it here before handing over a 'hefty' price .....Imo antique stores are full of overpriced junk
    Yeah, I've been looking around a little bit for some good reference books to get started. The resource library here was helpful in finding some good titles, but they seem to be pretty tough to track down sometimes...there aren't that many for sale that I've found, and the people who have them typically want to hold onto them. But then I've only just started looking.

    I've definitely had mixed success with the antique stores...many times you're right things are very expensive and often not what they claim to be. But I love hunting around to find something special, and every so often you come across something cool and unique that I never would have thought to look for on my own. So it's been a fun way to ease into the collecting hobby for me.

    Anyways, thanks for taking a look and giving me information! (And for saving me a bunch of money )

  8. #7
    MAP is offline


    I would recommend Jan Meland's book. It is currently in print and available. An excellent book.

    Here is the link


    Also Franks website is a great resource

    German Helmet Vault – Collecting German WW2 helmets
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  9. #8


    These are great! Thanks MAP. I'll definitely check out this book, and the website is fantastic. Got lots of reading to do! Thanks so much for sharing those resources.

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