Comments needed on M16
Hello fello forum members , a few years back i purchased this m16 , it has a post war camo paint job , i decides to strip it off to see what was under neath . After the camo was off it had a coat of black paint and some emblems painted on , after this was removed a very dark green paint was there , paint looked alot older than the prevous two layers , i started to remove this as well as in one spot i took a little to much off and could see white paint . This had me interested so off came all the green , and the following pictures will tell the rest . The white paint is very old as is the black that the rest of the helmet is painted . Under this is a coat of choclate brown paint . One thing that is intriging is the added pieces on the swastica , and the number 11 on the sides of the helmet there are also traces of red paint here , also there are traces of what looks like what maybe splashes of a concrete type substance on the inside of the shell and a few very small spots of it on the out side of the shell. Sorry the photos arnt the best but i can seem to get them any closer . looking forward to your comments , cheers Raymond
04-19-2009 03:27 AM
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Re: Comments needed on M16
That is a nice lid Raymond. It just goes to show you that you can't judge a helmet on the 1st impression.
I wonder what kind of story goes with the helmet before the fake camo?
rgrds, Ty
Re: Comments needed on M16
Thanks TY , i think the paint job under the camo is probaly 60's or 70's biker , the green , i dont know , the swastica and the rest i dont know , iv had a couple of guys over here in NZ think it has a chance as Friekorps , so this is why i posted it , see what our fellow members think , cheers Raymond
Re: Comments needed on M16
Thanks it was a real surprize for me, cheers Raymond
Re: Comments needed on M16
Come on guys , no more comments , good or bad i dont mined, cheers Raymond
Re: Comments needed on M16
its an interesting helmet , id like to get as much info as i can regarding it possibly being a true Freikorps lid , iv read a bit on them and this has alot of aspects that are looking toward it being a good one , but the more input the better , cheers mate Raymond
Re: Comments needed on M16
i had a look ,looks good , man they a quite high in there prices , i bought the m16 and a couple of other helmets and caps for $100 NZ . im happy , even it isnt a Friekorps lid , cheers Raymond
Re: Comments needed on M16
Good? of course it is. I would not hesitate to grab that lid in a moment.
Re: Comments needed on M16
Good? of course it is. I would not hesitate to grab that lid in a moment.
Thank you for your comment Kungfuty , cheers Raymond