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Is this helmet Original? or Fake?

Article about: It is helmet that my acquintance has. He and I thought that this helmet is original because this helmet have number in shell. (I have not knowledge about German helmet) But I see this site,

  1. #1

    Default Is this helmet Original? or Fake?

    It is helmet that my acquintance has.
    He and I thought that this helmet is original because this helmet have number in shell. (I have not knowledge about German helmet)
    But I see this site, I know that Auction has many fake German helmet. So I am nervous that this helmet is also fake.
    What do you think about this German helmet?

    Is this helmet Original? or Fake?Is this helmet Original? or Fake?Is this helmet Original? or Fake?Is this helmet Original? or Fake?

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Is this helmet Original? or Fake?
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  3. #2


    Hello friend.
    We need close up clear pictures of both decals.
    There should be numbers on the inside right of the helmet rim also. That would be a great help.
    The helmet has a good chance but more clear pictures are needed for an opinion.

  4. #3


    It looks like it has a great chance, but you are going to need much better photos before we can confirm anything.

  5. #4


    Original M35 and paint IMO... need better pics of the decals though. The liner has definitely been tampered with, bit I will leave the originality of that to someone more knowledgeable than me.

  6. #5


    It's a Q shell. Looks promising. Pics of decals please.

  7. #6


    Thank you for answering my question.
    But I don't have more pictures.
    Because It is not my helmet (It is my acquaintance's helmet)

  8. #7


    Hello friend. Impossible to say 100% good or bad based only on these photos. I'm not entirely turned off by what I see but close ups of the decals would help. Liner may be replaced. Outside shined up.

  9. #8


    I think the liner might be original to the shell, the flash has really brightened it up. I have a good feeling with this one but without better pics it's a wasted trip baby in the immortal words of one Oddball.

  10. #9


    Hey Doug, are liner pins loose like this without it being messed with?

  11. #10


    Quote by Nathan362 View Post
    Hey Doug, are liner pins loose like this without it being messed with?
    Absolutely, through wear and tear the pins loosen up.

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