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Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet

Article about: I picked this helmet up in Finland andtrying to found out the unit that is marked in it , i think it could be a signal unit but not 100% sure , thank you for any help

  1. #1

    Default Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet

    I picked this helmet up in Finland andtrying to found out the unit that is marked in it , i think it could be a signal unit but not 100% sure , thank you for any help
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet   Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet  

    Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet   Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet  

    Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet   Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet  

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    Circuit advertisement Help needed with unit markings on a M35 helmet
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  3. #2


    Looks like someone went digging for the tricolor. Does not bode well for the originality of the wire.

  4. #3


    In hand it can been seen the decals have been removed as the paint under the decals is the same as on the shell and the decals havent been painted over, The helmet was found in a old house so i know not messed with just interested in the unit to see where in Finland they were based

  5. #4


    Not sure how the wear to the dome can be so uniform with the wire over the top of it unless the wire was added very late into the use of this helmet. The liner pins have little paint and while not necessarily an issue, that and the liner band looking a little misshapen indicate the whole lid might have been messed with. Just because a helmet is found in an old house doesn’t make it not messed with.


  6. #5


    Thank you for your input but as I have already stated I have no issues with the helmet ,it was found in a old in Northern Finland with some other German items i am not planning on selling it ,I am just interested in the unit

  7. #6


    The inscription isn't familiar to me. Korb isn't an abbreviation I know and I don't think it is a location in Finland either. Is there anything else written after the "N2"?

  8. #7


    Thank you for your input .There is nothing after the N2 that I can see ,will have to look into if it could be a Finnish army unit

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