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Help for stamp .....

Article about: Hello, found a M18 helmet in black with E.T.66 and a lion What can it mean ?

  1. #1

    Question Help for stamp .....


    found a M18 helmet in black with E.T.66 and a lion

    What can it mean ?

    Help for stamp .....
    Regards ,

    I'm searching for
    Buckles 3.Reich

    special SA/NSKK/NSFK with maker marks

    Link to my collection : http://www.warrelics.eu/forum/album.php?albumid=1175

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Help for stamp .....

    Commercial helmet Used by the Police or fire department.
    Nice helmet to have. Most of them That I have seen do not have decals.
    The helmet color is correct not a repaint.
    They are not pricey but a nice addition to any collection.
    Post ww1 shell

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