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An M35 this time

Article about: Looks like ET65, lot #2021, Nice decal and everything there. Chin strap is missing the end, which is tucked between the lid and liner. Any thoughts please?

  1. #1

    Default An M35 this time

    Looks like ET65, lot #2021, Nice decal and everything there. Chin strap is missing the end, which is tucked between the lid and liner. Any thoughts please? Can't seem to get rid of the M34 pic, which mysteriously appeared from a previous post. An M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this timeAn M35 this time

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  3. #2


    Two lids there mate!...

    Edit. well there were two lids and the one remaining is an M42!....

  4. #3


    Think I cracked it now, sorry!

  5. #4


    No such thing as an ET65, a 66 perhaps?

  6. #5


    It is a poor stamping, and looked more like a 5 than 6 to my eye. Sorry.

  7. #6


    This is an M42, Likely an ET66 as I've never heard of an ET65...Funny thing about it is that the number does indeed look more like a 5 than it does a 6 to me as well, lol...
    Is the price reasonable?
    cheers, Glenn

  8. #7


    Hi Glenn,
    He is asking $375. I must be loosing my mind not to see it as an M42!!!!

  9. #8
    MAP is offline


    Too much in that condition IMHO. The liner is roached and ready to fall apart and the shell is in rough shape from the pics. The decal is in nice shape however.

    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  10. #9


    Hi, a salty but good HEER M42, price is what you are prepared to pay for it. Leon.

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