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M40 DD repro?

Article about: I bought this helmet from Craiglist for \\$150. The liner is an obvious reproduction and I suspect the decals are too. Can anyone tell this from the remains of the pictured decals? The shell l

  1. #1

    Default M40 DD repro?

    I bought this helmet from Craiglist for $150. The liner is an obvious reproduction and I suspect the decals are too. Can anyone tell this from the remains of the pictured decals? The shell looks quite nice and is marked as Q6? DN??. Was this a reasonble price?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture M40 DD repro?   M40 DD repro?  

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    M40 DD repro?  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    The decals are reproductions. There are only I think 3 DD M40 Heer helmets that are known to exist, I am fortunate to own 1 of them. As for price, its really not that collectible as it is completely messed with now. To "unmess it" would cost you the price of a liner and removing the decals. You can buy a decent no decal 100% original helmet for $300-400.

  4. #3

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    Basically , youve paid $150 just for a no decal no liner shell, it would have been better if you had posted this prior to buying, but Doug is right, to make this a reasonable looking lid will probably cost you another $150 Did craiglist tell you about the decals , liner, chin strap etc, or did they just sell it knowing its no good, personally id take it back and demand a refund, telling them in no uncertain terms why you want your money back

  5. #4

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    A waste of good money.

  6. #5

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    Thanks for the input. So, if I wanted to sell it in order to upgrade to a better helmet, what would be a reasonable price I could get for it ?

  7. #6

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    90 or less maybe? You will have to disclose it has reproduction decals and that scares people off. Sadly some clown will probably buy it, slap in a liner he has sitting around, and add some fake camo to it and resell it as an original WW2 German helmet with period camo for 9-1000.....

  8. #7

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    If you are no longer interested in keeping it, try to sell it for at least
    what you paid, or as DougB says above 'someone will buy it',
    so try for $200 first - you never know.........


  9. #8

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    Thanks for all the feedback. I've seen similar helmets for around $200 dollars so I thought it was a decent price for a display piece. Due to my budget constraints, I would be interested to know where I can find comparable helmets as this one for $90 or less.

  10. #9

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    Quote by Pablo View Post
    Thanks for all the feedback. I've seen similar helmets for around $200 dollars so I thought it was a decent price for a display piece. Due to my budget constraints, I would be interested to know where I can find comparable helmets as this one for $90 or less.
    Relic or repro...........?


  11. #10

    Default Re: M40 DD repro?

    A shell with fake decals being truthfully sold as a shell with fake decals, I can see 90 bucks. I recenty sold a reissue that was quite salty with an original liner and decals for 200 and saw a real shell no decal no liner for 100 aat the antique shop. But if being sold as a shell with real decals the price is 150 ;-)

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