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Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic

Article about: Hi all Here's my named relic M35 DD with very decent paint and decals for a relic. It's named to "Kimmel" and was found in Stalingrad. It's got 2 big holes in the front, I think fr

  1. #1

    Default Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic

    Hi all

    Here's my named relic M35 DD with very decent paint and decals for a relic. It's named to "Kimmel" and was found in Stalingrad. It's got 2 big holes in the front, I think from shrapnel. It's also got a massive crack in the top - so this helmet took a serious beating!

    It's impossible to say, but there are a few Kimmels but only 1 is confirmed MIA/KIA in Stalingrad, so there's a chance it might be Arnold Kimmel.

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic   Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic  

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic   Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic  

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic   Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic  

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic   Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic  

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic   Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic  

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  3. #2


    I found a Kimmel for Stalingrad who died from Granade splinters... could be him? -Rose

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic

  4. #3


    Interesting! Can I ask where you found this? I'd love to know where to find more information to help research some of the death cards/books I have

  5. #4


    I use Fold3. If you're looking for death card info or wehrpass/soldbuch info we certainly can help in the document's forum.

  6. #5


    M35 and M40 rolled edge helmets were hardened more than the later production raw edge M42 styles.

    Ground dug examples will often display 'concussion' or 'freeze/thaw' cracks in them.....
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  7. #6


    I have a similar one ( not from Stalingrad though)

    Named M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad RelicNamed M35 DD Heer - Stalingrad Relic
    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

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