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The Passing of a Good Friend and Long Time Helmet Collector

Article about: It is with a heavy heart that I pass on the news that a great friend of mine, and long time helmet collector, Joe Godfrey passed away earlier this week. He wasn't a forum member, but I think

  1. #1

    Default The Passing of a Good Friend and Long Time Helmet Collector

    It is with a heavy heart that I pass on the news that a great friend of mine, and long time helmet collector, Joe Godfrey, passed away earlier this week. He wasn't a forum member, but I think many of you knew him. One of the Good Guys. I will miss him. Jim G.

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  3. #2


    My condolences on the passing of your friend.
    Live to ride -- Ride to live

    I was addicted to the "Hokey-Pokey" but I've turned
    myself around.

  4. #3


    Sorry to hear Jim my condolences.

  5. #4
    M38 is offline


    So sorry to hear this Jim and such a surprise. I just saw him and visited with him at both the SOS and Max, only short months ago.

    My condolences to you and Al, his good friends, as well as his family. Joe was a good guy.


  6. #5


    Sorry to hear you lost a great friend condolences.

  7. #6
    TWS is online now


    Sorry for your loss Jim.

    I can't say I really knew Joe, but if he was a regular attendee at the SOS and MAX I most likely chatted informally with him at one point or another. Sad that we lost one of the good ones.
    Former U.S. Army Tanker.
    "Best job I ever had."

  8. #7


    The loss of a friend or a loved one is always difficult. My condolences.

  9. #8


    Sorry to hear about the passing of your friend Jim, and by the sounds of it, a friend to the collecting community. My condolences to all.

  10. #9


    Sorry to read this Jim , my sincere condolences.

  11. #10


    sincere condolences for the loss of a friend

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