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Posting ridiculous fakes, please don't post them here.

Article about: Please reserve the posting of silly ridiculous fakes for the Discussions section vs. cluttering these sections with nonsensical fakes. Lets reserve this space for the posting of artifacts we

  1. #1

    Default Posting ridiculous fakes, please don't post them here.

    Please reserve the posting of silly ridiculous fakes for the Discussions section vs. cluttering these sections with nonsensical fakes. Lets reserve this space for the posting of artifacts we can learn from and further the collective study.

    Of course if you have an item you need an opinion of fake vs real please feel free but post good quality pictures and all available information so qualified opinions can be given by membership who care to comment,

    Thanks everyone.


  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Posting ridiculous fakes, please don't post them here.
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