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Test your knowledge

Article about: breast eagles - wrong side

  1. #1

    Default Test your knowledge

    This will be easy to some, to others it may not be so easy. It's all in the name of fun really. Using your knowledge of the Stahlhelm and these photo's as a guide..

    1. Tell me in which two years these photo's could have been taken?
    2. Tell me what's wrong with these photo's?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Test your knowledge   Test your knowledge  

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    oh and members excluded from this little game are...
    Doug B
    John Brandon
    Ewan Stirling
    Adrian Stevenson + other mods

    only because you will give the game away too soon

  4. #3

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    I am only after coming in from a day on the p..s and for a start I can see the pictures are reversed. As for year i dont know.


  5. #4

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    I'm not too sure about the dates etc etc, but decals had stopped being used by a certain date so obviously this photograph is before that date.



  6. #5

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    1939 and 1940
    and the house is burning in the background would be my answer...... since I don't know much on Helmets

  7. #6

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    I forgot to mention the helmet type might provide an answer aswell



  8. #7

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    Aren't the decals on the wrong side of the helmets? My guess is the invasion of poland for approximate date.

  9. #8

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    Hi and thanks for excluding me

    The nationality of the POW's probably narrows it down to a single year, IMO, if I have them ID'd correctly.

    Someone posted it whilst I was posting !

  10. #9

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    Polish invasion and the photos seem to be reversed, seeing as the tunic eagle is on the wrong side.

  11. #10

    Default Re: Test your knowledge

    hmmm just a shot in the dark here, didnt really look too hard, is it 1939 or 1940?

    also, the photos are reversed. that explains the switched around helmet decals and the breast eagles on the wrong side of the tunics.

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