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What's up with eBay selling helmets

Article about: I have noticed in the last couple of weeks there has been a number of helmet listed with swastika. I have even found a seller listing ek1 and ek2 and they are selling. A SS helmet sold for o

  1. #1

    Default What's up with eBay selling helmets

    I have noticed in the last couple of weeks there has been a number of helmet listed with swastika. I have even found a seller listing ek1 and ek2 and they are selling. A SS helmet sold for over 4,000. Now I will say most of the helmet listed are fake and people are bidding but the point is they are not pulled. Is eBay relaxing their rules or is the "nazi Police" on vacation?
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  2. # ADS
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  3. #2


    152095197112, 201587868906,272244414001 a few listings from ebay
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  4. #3


    That was a legit SS helmet too. I almost bid but too much money tied up in other stuff right now.

  5. #4


    Maybe a new fleabay "moderator"?
    Could be one who knows we collect these things for historical interest, and not for marching around in the underwear wearing a broomstick and a helmet w swastika.

  6. #5


    262440251722 iron cross seller
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  7. #6


    Quote by TrondK View Post
    Maybe a new fleabay "moderator"?
    Could be one who knows we collect these things for historical interest, and not for marching around in the underwear wearing a broomstick and a helmet w swastika.
    That must be just ME then

  8. #7


    Looks like someone has since censored the SS lid pics - nice big white square over the decal.

  9. #8


    I've noticed the relaxed standards lately as well...maybe enough people complained about Ebay's Cherry-Picking History- I know I have after having my auctions cancelled in the past and quit selling there altogether...
    cheers, Glenn

  10. #9


    Maybe eBay added up all the lost fees from cancelled listing and decided money was more important than their stance on the swastika.

  11. #10


    I gave up trying to figure out ebay years ago. They are so damned annoying.

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