would love some help on this one
Hi , this could be my first one as my budget is not what you can call huge but i was wondering what you think of this one as i am new to this i am still reading and learning a bit at a time and get confuse with everything i have to check to see if it's a fake or not i will get there at some point so need some advice to stay away from it or go for it and why Thanks in advance
04-30-2009 04:13 PM
Circuit advertisement
Re: would love some help on this one
That looks like a M34 helmet. From what I know, this model was used mostly by civilians but also by firefighters.
I might be wrong, but I think this is a post war model.
If its price ain't close to free, stay away from it.
Re: would love some help on this one
Re: would love some help on this one
thanks for the advice gentlemen! i will do