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Lion Head Sword, Identification, Needs Some TLC

Article about: Good day all! Just came across a Lion Headed WW1 sword (my guess). It's very rusted, as is the sheath (both of which I'd attempt to repair.) Just wanted to see what anyone's opinion was of i

  1. #1

    Default Lion Head Sword, Identification, Needs Some TLC

    Good day all!

    Just came across a Lion Headed WW1 sword (my guess). It's very rusted, as is the sheath (both of which I'd attempt to repair.)
    Just wanted to see what anyone's opinion was of it, if it was worth buying and saving, and if it appear authentic.
    The seller and I couldn't make out any imprint from the blacksmith, my guess is that it is covered by rust.

    What would be a decent offer for this?

    Thanks in advance all!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Lion Head Sword, Identification, Needs Some TLC   Lion Head Sword, Identification, Needs Some TLC  

    Lion Head Sword, Identification, Needs Some TLC  

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  3. #2


    I make knives for a hobby and I can tell you, you will be hard pressed to salvage that one.
    Very unfortunate though.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  4. #3


    I agree with Ralph, there's no saving this one.
    You are correct in that it is or was a Imperial Era sword. A WKC model # 27.

  5. #4


    Thank you guys for chiming in, the owner wont budge off of $350 and, like you both said, there is probably no saving this one.



  6. #5


    Ouch !
    Yep, for that price he'll be happily wedded to it for the rest of his carrier !
    Even for free, i wouldn't take it !!!!

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