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Can't upload photos with Firefox

Article about: I can no longer upload photo's on the site using Firefox , but when i try my old browser IE i can , anybody know why Firefox is not uploading them or having the same issue ?

  1. #1

    Default Can't upload photos with Firefox

    I can no longer upload photo's on the site using Firefox , but when i try my old browser IE i can , anybody know why Firefox is not uploading them or having the same issue ?

  2. #2


    Try clearing your browser cashe. I had the same problem

  3. #3


    Quote by John Brandon View Post
    Try clearing your browser cashe. I had the same problem
    Thanks John , just clicked on clear cashe & browsing history but still the same

  4. #4


    If you're trying to use the "Insert Image" uploader you'll probably have to use the "Basic Uploader" option --- I have that same problem using Firefox. The "Attachments" uploader works just fine for me...

  5. #5


    I click on upload photo's then the pop up box appears , so i click on add files then when i click on select files it does nothing & there is no other options too choose

  6. #6


    There's a "Basic Uploader" option in the bottom right corner of that pop up window --- I have the same issue but using that option does the trick for me..

  7. #7


    I find that having clicked add files then select. the directory of photos actually does open but behind the forum page so I have to move the forum page out of the way so that I can see my photo directory. Took a while to work this out as I could see nothing happening.



  8. #8


    yep now found the basic uploader , it was in grey writing so was a job too see , just wondering why after 5 years of uploading photos it has now decided not too work ???

  9. #9


    I think that's an "issue" with the "Attachments" uploader, I get that as well. In this case it seems like the problem has to do with the "Insert Image" uploader..

  10. #10


    Glad it worked out!

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