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Creating an add

Article about: Hi! I would like to create an advertisement for sale one item, but says that this action is only available for WRF Club members. Is there any way to create "free" add, as I have on

  1. #1

    Default Creating an add

    I would like to create an advertisement for sale one item, but says that this action is only available for WRF Club members. Is there any way to create "free" add, as I have only one unneeded for me item of Forum thematic and I don't need any other privileges of Membership? I've tried to find any info in this topic, but as I can see there is only one restriction for newbies: 3 free ads. Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    CBH is offline


    You have to be a paying member to place sales ads, I believe you can do 6 month paying memberships which might work if you’re only selling one item.

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