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Delete thread.

Article about: Hello staff, I would like to learn how i delete my thread , i made this week . I thought i did everything right , butt i only get readers and no reactions as one of the only in the list , do

  1. #1

    Default Delete thread.

    Hello staff,

    I would like to learn how i delete my thread , i made this week . I thought i did everything right , butt i only get readers and no reactions as one of the only in the list , dont know iff this is because i am a newby on the forum or i did someting wrong. So i would like to delete the thread

  2. #2


    Quote by Robinvdg View Post
    Hello staff,

    I would like to learn how i delete my thread , i made this week . I thought i did everything right , butt i only get readers and no reactions as one of the only in the list , dont know iff this is because i am a newby on the forum or i did someting wrong. So i would like to delete the thread
    Hello Robin.

    The deletion of threads is not allowed.

    Sometimes a thread is not seen by the people who can answer your questions and you have to be patient.

    Is the thread below the one you mean, if so it has been up less then 48 hours.

    Sd paint over paint .

    Kind regards,


  3. #3


    Thank you sir .

    So the thread is okay like this.
    Thanks for the advice.

    Greetings robin

  4. #4


    Hi Robin.

    My pleasure.

    Yes, your thread is ok and I have given it a 'bump' too. Just keep checking back and I am sure someone will have left a comment.

    Have a great weekend.


  5. #5


    Thank you for the bump .

    Appreciate it .

    Have a nice weekend .

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