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Double posted pics?

Article about: I have observed that when I post pics, they appear as if they were double posted. They actually appear once as non-visible pic icons (white squares with red X) and then as they should, just

  1. #1

    Default Double posted pics?

    I have observed that when I post pics, they appear as if they were double posted. They actually appear once as non-visible pic icons (white squares with red X) and then as they should, just below. I think that a mod is always tidying up after me, so if there's something that I do wrong and can correct it, I would be really glad to know! I am just following the standard process as described in order to post, is there maybe something wrong with my attachment codes or maybe my settings?

    Thanks, Giorgos

  2. #2

    Default Re: Double posted pics?

    Hi Giorgos, I noticed and have tidied up for you

    Not sure what is wrong here.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Double posted pics?

    Thanks Ade, I hope it has not been much of a trouble...

    I 'll have a more careful look next time to see what's going on, I hope I 'll work it out!

    Thanks again!

    Regards, Giorgos

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