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Article about: Just a pondering on my part.. Would it be possible to add some type of messaging feature, meaning live messaging (think messenger of FB) to have a conversation with another member without ha

  1. #1

    Default Messaging

    Just a pondering on my part.. Would it be possible to add some type of messaging feature, meaning live messaging (think messenger of FB) to have a conversation with another member without having to use the message box. I think it would be a nice thing to have. Not an IT person so, I'm not aware of complexities or its feasibility. Dont know how other members would feel about this either. Thanks for looking or any response. -Rose

  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Quote by rheppler View Post
    Just a pondering on my part.. Would it be possible to add some type of messaging feature, meaning live messaging (think messenger of FB) to have a conversation with another member without having to use the message box. I think it would be a nice thing to have. Not an IT person so, I'm not aware of complexities or its feasibility. Dont know how other members would feel about this either. Thanks for looking or any response. -Rose
    Not an IT person myself but Im not sure if the current version of the forum software supports features like this (like even as an option)
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  3. #3


    I agree with Michael (MAP), and the cost to even bring to fruition is without question more than it's worth, in my opinion, if one wants to go that route, ask the member if they are willing to befriend you on Facebook and use Messenger, some Forums have the ability to send private messages WITH photos, currently WRF is strictly messaging as far as I know, G
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  4. #4


    Quote by Gwar View Post
    I agree with Michael (MAP), and the cost to even bring to fruition is without question more than it's worth, in my opinion, if one wants to go that route, ask the member if they are willing to befriend you on Facebook and use Messenger, some Forums have the ability to send private messages WITH photos, currently WRF is strictly messaging as far as I know, G
    I agree, especially considering that more often than not any exchange between members is usually multi party and accross different time zones often 5 - hours apart or more.

    Nice idea but likely an uneconomical luxury.


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