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Technical Assistance

Article about: Gentlemen, I am trying to upload new pictures and as I "add" new pictures the following message comes on the screen. The following errors occurred: IMG_58962.HEIC;invalid file Now

  1. #1

    Default Technical Assistance

    Gentlemen, I am trying to upload new pictures and as I "add" new pictures the following message comes on the screen.

    The following errors occurred:

    IMG_58962.HEIC;invalid file

    Now all my previous pictures have been loaded this way and I have not had any problem. The process has been taking the pictures on my phone. I then air drop the pictures onto my computer and then I load using the "Add files" button and so on.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, I still have more memorabilia that I need help with please.

    Thanks again, for helping me.



  2. #2


    Hi Keith.

    I am not sure how much help this will be, but if this happens to me I open the picture with paint brush then save it as jpeg with a simple name (like pic1 for example) and this works for me.

    I hope this helps,

    Kind regards,


  3. #3


    Hi Bence...are you still using the same web host to open Warrelics on ?
    Willmore has named a great way to re-establish files and i will list a few more below.

    I have noticed for myself that if I used Microsoft edge for example ...it doesnt allow me to perform certain functions where as Google chrome does.
    Mozilla also gives me trouble.

    Another action that can be taken..once you upload those photos from your phone to your computer...try renaming the file.

    Another way that you can add this feature to your computer is called a " Snipping Tool " ...you can crop and save photos this way regardless if its jepg ,,ipeg footpeg winnipeg etc........The computer will recognize this as your own photo.

    I hope this helps as well

    Best Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  4. #4


    Move to the correct section of the forum.
    Searching for anything relating to, Anton Boos, 934 Stamm. Kp. Pz. Erz. Abt. 7, 3 Kompanie, Panzer-Regiment 2, 16th Panzer-Division (My father)

  5. #5


    Thanks Gentlemen, I will give them a trial. cheers

  6. #6


    Seeing that we have so many moderators now, can we see a fix for this issue! as this wasn't an issue in the past!

  7. #7


    Quote by reneblacky View Post
    Seeing that we have so many moderators now, can we see a fix for this issue! as this wasn't an issue in the past!
    Its not an issue at all and once in awhile there are tech glitches that do happen here " AND " also include the user and their own computers or cell phones.
    You make it sound like everyone is affected which is not the case here.

    The amount of Moderators does not make a difference ( if only this may be a tech issue ) that only a Tech Admin can fix.
    Moderators nor SuperMods and Admins outside of Dimas and another Tech Admin has access to those controls.

    We are waiting on Bence since he is " new " here and learning to navigate through the forums system which can be challenging to any new member here until they get used to its functions.

    In the meantime.......
    The Mods are contemplating making you a Mod only for the Funny Stuff thread
    We will contact you once decided......... Hold your breath

    Cheers Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

  8. #8



    As well, if you are using an Apple you need to change the format from HEIC to jpeg.


  9. #9


    Quote by Larry C View Post
    Its not an issue at all and once in awhile there are tech glitches that do happen here " AND " also include the user and their own computers or cell phones.
    You make it sound like everyone is affected which is not the case here.

    The amount of Moderators does not make a difference ( if only this may be a tech issue ) that only a Tech Admin can fix.
    Moderators nor SuperMods and Admins outside of Dimas and another Tech Admin has access to those controls.

    We are waiting on Bence since he is " new " here and learning to navigate through the forums system which can be challenging to any new member here until they get used to its functions.

    In the meantime.......
    The Mods are contemplating making you a Mod only for the Funny Stuff thread
    We will contact you once decided......... Hold your breath

    Cheers Larry
    "You make it sound like everyone is affected which is not the case here." - yes it is an issue as every pic needs to be modified! and being a long time contributor, I have seen in the past this was never a problem!

    "Moderators nor SuperMods and Admins outside of Dimas and another Tech Admin has access to those controls" - as a collective you can push for a fix!

    "The Mods are contemplating making you a Mod only for the Funny Stuff thread" - keep it!

  10. #10


    Wow I didnt think you would get this upset.

    I would encourage you to reach out directly to Dimas as well.
    Lighten up and Have a nice day

    Cheers Larry
    It is not the size of a Collection in History that matters......Its the size of your Passion for it!! - Larry C

    “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” - Winston Churchill

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