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Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

Article about: Why is it that most sellers on the net now "copyright" the images of their items for sale and so make it impossible for an idiot like me to post their images for referal? I know i'

  1. #1

    Default Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    Why is it that most sellers on the net now "copyright" the images of their items for sale and so make it impossible for an idiot like me to post their images for referal? I know i'm stupid but surely it is in everyone's interests to learn and "see"what's on offer!As i have already said,i am a computer muppet so if anyone has any "get arounds" of this copyright garbage please let me know.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    If they are protected you can still borrow the pictures for reference with the windows Snipping Tool ?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    Ah "snipping tool" which little section will i find that one in on a tool bar? Thanks for your help on this one!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    You will normally find in in your start menu. Or if you don't find it you can download it probably somewhere.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    ****FOUND IT*** Thank you for that, you have truly enlightend me on what is most probably a very simple thing!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    Quote by Kevin Grootaers View Post
    If they are protected you can still borrow the pictures for reference with the windows Snipping Tool ?
    You will need certain versions of Vista or Windows 7 to have the snipping tool. I don't think the basic versions have it.

    That is a really useful tool. The thing I cant get my head around though, why, if Microsoft are so obsessed with copyright theft etc, did they include that in Windows? Crazy.

    Best Regards,

    Best Regards,


    [/COLOR][CENTER][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=3]URGENTLY LOOKING FOR: 1982 era Argentine military issue goggles. Fravida 109, and "Sanbuee" French lens type

    [/SIZE]Have a look at my 20+ (so far, work in progress) albums for lots of M1's, rare liners and other stuff, including WW2British helmets, Falklands battlefield pickup helmets and let me know what you think!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    I highly doubt that these sites are really 'copyrighting' there images...legally at least. We have gone through the copyright process now twice (2 books) and it isn't the easiest process...it also costs money.

    I am willing to bet that it is just someone slapping a watermark on the image and acting like it is legally protected.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    Thanks Kevin, i have posted an SS helmet(i don't think so!!)useing my new found knowledge!!Your information is very much appreciated, cheers ol boy!, Leon

  9. #9

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    It was nothing special it's a very simple tool i use sometimes.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Tell me why(as the beatles would say!!)

    On many collector forums, members have started to watermark their posted images because the pictures were being used by the unscrupulous to scam other collectors on auction websites. I imagine vendors are experiencing the same phenomenon to some degree or another.


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