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Visual Guide to Upload Photos

Article about: I've created this visual guide to help people upload photos. The first three screen shots are for different starting points. There after it is all the same........ 1) Adding to a new post of

  1. #1
    MAP is offline

    Default Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    I've created this visual guide to help people upload photos.

    The first three screen shots are for different starting points. There after it is all the same........

    Click on all photos to enlarge for better reading

    1) Adding to a new post of an existing thread

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    2) Editing an existing post of yours

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    3) When starting a New Thread

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    The following steps are the same regardless which of the above starting points you use

    Follow each step in order

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos

    Visual Guide to Upload Photos
    Last edited by MAP; 10-03-2017 at 03:26 AM.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  2. #2


    MOD'S ,
    Could this be made a Sticky please????????

    Michael you already know I appreciate your work on this and HOPE that someone in the Admin section will see this and say THAT'S A GOOD IDEA

    Semper Fi

  3. #3


  4. #4


    Very helpful aid, indeed.

  5. #5


    Great job lets see if folk pay attention to your visual guide. After all, you can lead a horse to water .................

    " I'm putting off procrastination until next week "

  6. #6


    What about adding photos from your mobile phone? I do most of buying,selling, and trading from my phone.

  7. #7
    MAP is offline


    Quote by Guderian1940 View Post
    What about adding photos from your mobile phone? I do most of buying,selling, and trading from my phone.
    Many of the steps are the same (if you view the site in "Desktop" mode). Some minor differences after the 5th photo, but I think but pretty self explanatory.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

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