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Belgian WWI buttons made by waterbury usa button & co

Article about: I tought some might be intrested in seing these. The groupe came from a house clearing, I supose they have been on the same uniforme, at one time. I was quiet suprised when seing the makers

  1. #1

    Default Belgian WWI buttons made by waterbury usa button & co

    I tought some might be intrested in seing these.
    The groupe came from a house clearing, I supose they have been on the same uniforme, at one time.
    I was quiet suprised when seing the makers mark, because the construction looked French to me.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2


    The manufacturer sure would have thrown me friend.
    Thanks for showing.

  3. #3


    Interesting 'one-piece' types. Nice find Kris.
    I would never have expected to see U.S.
    made Belgian buttons.........!


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