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A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.

Article about: Showing you here a variety of button's I have in my collection. These post is treating only about the infantry regimental button's going from 1 to 14. And dating from the late 1800 up to 191

  1. #1

    Default A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.

    Showing you here a variety of button's I have in my collection.
    These post is treating only about the infantry regimental button's going from 1 to 14.
    And dating from the late 1800 up to 1915, the date that the uniforms changed to khaki and the button's (mostly all!) got the lion figure on it.
    I am sure there are more out there then the 150 different one's I have.
    And lot of research still have to be done regarding maker's/ traders marks, some I never heard of before.

    I know they are just button's, but that is what I started with when I was a chap of 13 years old, back in 1973.
    And I still like them, maybe due to the emotion's I am getting now by thinking back of those happy day's, when button's and badges still where a thrill.

    I hope it might help anyone, in anyway.

    This is what it's about;

    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.

    And here comes the details;
    ("onbekend" meanings unknown maker)

    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.
    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  2. #2


    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  3. #3


    Next of the first regiment button's;
    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  4. #4


    Sorry, don't know why # 6 came after # 7...
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  5. #5


    And the last of the first regiment;
    A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.A variety of Belgian regimental buttons and their maker.
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  6. #6


    Next are the second regiment button's I have;

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  7. #7


    The third regiment;

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  8. #8


    The 4 th;

    - - ------- - -

    The 5 th;

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  9. #9


    Only two samples for the sixth regiment;

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  10. #10


    The seventh;

    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


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