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Identifying a telogreika jacket

Article about: Gentlemen, Since my childhood, the image of the soviet soldier of the Great Patriotic War included the telogreika padded jacket. For me it is an iconic part of his uniform, and it has ever s

  1. #261


    Got this today but unfortunately i'ts in a very bad condition.I's this one post war?
    No other markings are seen but the one on the inner pocket.

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  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Identifying a telogreika jacket
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  3. #262


    Hello everyone,

    What are the opinions about this black telogreika, is it an ww2 tanker jacket or is it postwar?

    The story the seller tells is that the jacket was captured by an german soldier, and that an german soldier attached the sheepskin later.
    The sheepskin doesn't look familiar with the typical white sheepskin the germans coats made off.

    Thanks for all the advice.
    Identifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacket

  4. #263


    Black doesn't automatically mean tanker. Civilians also wore black, grey and khaki telogreikas.

  5. #264


    Far more likely the German Soldier was captured and issued this jacket for his trip to the GULAG.

    POWs seem to have been issued dark grey telogreikas over green ones.

    That isn't to say it couldn't have been worn by a Soviet Tankist, Marcel is correct, but given the huge numbers of grey-black telogreikas with POW provenance, i'd say this was a more likely explanation.

  6. #265



    IMO it looks like a POW telo du to the high of this model. thsi is alos typical.

    Military ones are usualy shorter


  7. #266


    Thank you all for the information!

  8. #267


    I enjoyed this very informative thread on Telogreikas and thought this would be a good place to ask questions about an unusual telogreika that I have not seen in any of the other posts. I thought about starting a new separate post but I thought that I would continue on this in-depth one.
    This telogreika seems to fit much of the criteria for being WW2, no pockets, no stamps ( except the outside lower left 46-2 and a tag above it. It’s a greenish khaki on the outside and a tan inside that feels almost like leather. There is no rear belt and appears that the collate was added. The only thing that puzzles me is there is no button holes or loops to close the coat. But there are only 3 buttons on both sides of the he front. It almost looks like some sort of a “ liner.”?
    If at all possible, if I can get some feed back as to what exactly this telogreika style count this may be. I was told that this may be a WW2 Russian “Air Force” Coat?
    Any help expertise info or thoughts and Ideas would be greatly appreciated.Identifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacketIdentifying a telogreika jacket
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture Identifying a telogreika jacket  

  9. #268


    Can I have your opinion on this jacket? It has the characteristics of a wartime piece. The interior looks like it was dark but now has faded.
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    Identifying a telogreika jacket   Identifying a telogreika jacket  

    Identifying a telogreika jacket   Identifying a telogreika jacket  

  10. #269


    I’m not an expert, but telogreika padded jackets were apparently manufactured and worn well past WW2. I think it may look like A POW telogreika padded jacket, for the WW2 German buttons. I like it.

  11. #270



    I was reading the thread and from what I understand, the following telegroika is a post-ww2. Did I get it right ?

    It's very salty, with the soldier name and blood marks, I was thinking it's ww2.

    Identifying a telogreika jacket
    Identifying a telogreika jacket
    Identifying a telogreika jacket
    Identifying a telogreika jacket
    Identifying a telogreika jacket
    Identifying a telogreika jacket

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