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USSR Uniforms

Article about: Pics i got from a friend today. Part of his USSR collection. The USSR - the Field Officer Form (Гимнастерка+Га&#

  1. #1

    Default USSR Uniforms

    Pics i got from a friend today. Part of his USSR collection.

    The USSR - the Field Officer Form (Гимнастерка+Галифе), ПШ обр.1943(Google trans)

    USSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR Uniforms

    The USSR - the Form of Commanding Structure MGA (12-13 categories) and commanders of ships ГА\Аэрофлота обр.1973г

    The USSR - the Parabottom-day off the Complete set (Китель+Брюки) the Colonel of the Air Forces обр.1958 (1959г. Release)

    USSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR UniformsUSSR Uniforms

    Some of the almost 20 uniforms he sent me pics of.

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  3. #2

    Default Re: USSR Uniforms

    It's a beautiful collection! Is your friend communist or just a Red Army fan ?

  4. #3

    Default Re: USSR Uniforms

    I don't know about his political standpoint, but he is from Belarus.

    But yes, it's a very nice collection and he is selling part of it, so maybe he is not a big Red Army fan I don't know Kovski. I have put some of it up in the Classifieds section USSR 1918-1945.


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