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war time or post-war telogreika?

Article about: Dear Members! I would like to ask for some help in connection with this russian telogreika (and trousers). I could buy it, but I'm not sure in it, that they are war time or post-war made? Un

  1. #1

    Default war time or post-war telogreika?

    Dear Members!

    I would like to ask for some help in connection with this russian telogreika (and trousers). I could buy it, but I'm not sure in it, that they are war time or post-war made? Unfortunately no stamping is visible...according to the story of the seller, a German POW came home in these russian clothes.
    So I would appreciate any help!
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture war time or post-war telogreika?   war time or post-war telogreika?  

    war time or post-war telogreika?   war time or post-war telogreika?  

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