having looked through some old picture i think this is a 1920/30s British Flying Suit.
Does anyone know what type it is? the bloke who gave it to us thought it was a tank suit.
cheers, jim
having looked through some old picture i think this is a 1920/30s British Flying Suit.
Does anyone know what type it is? the bloke who gave it to us thought it was a tank suit.
cheers, jim
if i remember correct this is a sidcot flying suit used through out ww2 not sure when they were introduced late 1930's
Definately not a tank suit.
Battledress, coveralls or the ubiquitous "Pixie suit" were the order of the day for tankers depending on time of year and theatre of operations.
Last edited by jimpy; 01-25-2010 at 12:44 AM. Reason: Grammar and addition.
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