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Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms

Article about: Just wanted to share some cool photos I found of an experimental camo uniform being tested by the Army. All photos are dated Hawaii 1942. Not sure if they had already been posted here before

  1. #1

    Default Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms

    Just wanted to share some cool photos I found of an experimental camo uniform being tested by the Army. All photos are dated Hawaii 1942. Not sure if they had already been posted here before.

    Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms
    Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms
    Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms
    Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms
    Experimental US Army Camo Uniforms

  2. #2
    MAP is offline


    Nice photos. I haven't seen these before myself. Thanks for sharing
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

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