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françe 1940,corp franc

Article about: Dear friends hello I present you here a nice frank body, in bourgeron.notre holding(dress) friendly is equipé of cartouchieres mod 35, anp31, accordeon music(shoulder bag), tin 35. And rifle

  1. #1

    Default françe 1940,corp franc

    Dear friends hello
    I present you here a nice frank body, in bourgeron.notre holding(dress) friendly is equipé of cartouchieres mod 35, anp31, accordeon music(shoulder bag), tin 35. And rifle MAS mod on 1936, first type
    The frank body, is the German equivalent of stoss truppen, they are sorts of commando groups. The true bodies operated for the most part of time(weather) from September, 39 till February-March, 40 in the no-man's-land or behind the enemy lines. Later, the majority of these bodies were dissolved.
    Some were recreated in May-June, 40 to serve as retarding elements by covering the pension(retreat) of the army.
    These bodies are only consitués of

    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture françe 1940,corp franc  

  2. #2

    Default Re: françe 1940,corp franc

    est ce que cest la meme uniforme que portais les soldats de la ligne maginot??

  3. #3

    Default Re: françe 1940,corp franc

    bonjour pour répondre a votre,la tenue bourgeron a été aussi utilisé par certaines unité,de troupe motorisé.


    Hello to answer has your, the bourgeron holding(dress) was also used by certain unity(unit), of troop motorized.


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