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françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29

Article about: Dear friends ,hello I present to you a nice soldier of the North, belonging in glorious regiment of 110 regiment of infantry (based in the DUNKERQUE in May / June, 1940). Our friend is a mar

  1. #1

    Default françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29

    Dear friends ,hello
    I present to you a nice soldier of the North, belonging in glorious regiment of 110 regiment of infantry (based in the DUNKERQUE in May / June, 1940). Our friend is a marksman in the FM 24/29.(Deacctivated / Neutralized armament, st étienne françe)
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29   françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29  

    françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29  
    Attached Images Attached Images françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29 

  2. #2

    Default Re: françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29

    Dear friends hello here are of new photos in outside.
    françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29[ATTACH]françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29[/ATTACH]

    cordialement johann
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29  

  3. #3

    Default Re: françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29

    i like your collection very much, we dont see many French uniforms on here do you have many in your collection.
    and can you post some more of the uniforms for us to see.

  4. #4

    Default Re: françe 1940 ,marksman in the FM 24/29


    Great uniforms!

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