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Ike Jacket value ?

Article about: Can anyone tell me what this may be going for I have several uniform items I am going to sell or trade and want to have some kind of an idea of what to ask. Thanks Annoyed from this ads? &nb

  1. #1

    Default Ike Jacket value ?

    Can anyone tell me what this may be going for I have several uniform items I am going to sell or trade and want to have some kind of an idea of what to ask. Thanks

  2. #2

    Default Re: Ike Jacket value ?

    Gagevet I would say no more then $50.00 for the jacket. Gary

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ike Jacket value ?

    I would agree with Gary's estimate.

    The "HQ" collar dog is an interesting non regulation item.

    Cheers, Ade.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ike Jacket value ?

    Thanks guys, there was another collar disc in the pocket I think it was administration or engineers I will have to check. Thanks again This is a great site to learn on. I have a vet who has had pictures that he took at a consentration camp that they helped liberate he also has a german helmet that he is going to bring in. I will post them when he does.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Ike Jacket value ?

    PM me if u are looking to sell. I dont think these Ike's are worth even 50, considering I still buy them regularly for $30-$35

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