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South Pacific MP Grouping

Article about: A few days back I spotted this stunning grouping for sale on the popular selling app Mercari. After a bit of haggling I managed to strike a deal with the seller. The seller was a VERY kind m

  1. #1

    Default South Pacific MP Grouping

    A few days back I spotted this stunning grouping for sale on the popular selling app Mercari. After a bit of haggling I managed to strike a deal with the seller. The seller was a VERY kind man who not only shared with me loads of information about how he originally found this grouping, but he also threw in a small selection of items with my purchase that belonged with this group. He only found them when he started to pack up my order, and in his own words he said "I didn’t want to separate the history"

    The seller told me that he had originally found this grouping for sale at an estate sale in South Carolina somewhere around the timeframe of 1998-1999. He was only around 16 years old at the time. Since then it has been in his collection.. at least until recently anyways. He told me that he recently decided to move on from his militaria hobby.

    The grouping itself is an amazing slice of history. All of the items you see here belonged to a Rufus F Starnes of South Carolina. His ASN is 34779161. From looking over the vast amount of documents that were included with this I found out that he served in New Caledonia as a military policeman during WWII. I have his jacket, visor cap, wooden baton, photo album/scrapbook, and a handful of small personal items such as a shaving kit and mirror.

    The photo album was assembled by the seller I got this from years ago. He told me that the photos and documents originally came to him with the grouping loose in a box. Thankfully he didn’t glue down any of the items.

    Just wanted to share this really awesome grouping with everyone here on the forum!

    South Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP GroupingSouth Pacific MP Grouping

  2. #2


    I almost forgot to show this really sweet letter from his wife back home

    South Pacific MP Grouping

  3. #3


    Great grouping, Jarret! I can see why you were so excited to get your hands on it. The letter really adds to it, a unique personal touch.


  4. #4



    A wonderful grouping that was left intact.

    Glad that you are now the new caretaker of this man's history..

    Best regards, stay safe


  5. #5


    Great stuff, Jarret


  6. #6


    Very nice grouping. Thank you for sharing it. That is the kind of stuff we all hope for. Congrats.

  7. #7
    MAP is offline


    Wow! this is great. Congrats!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  8. #8


    Thanks guys! I really appreciate the kind words.

    Anytime a uniform comes with extra goodies it gets my attention. It's always great when they all belong to the same vet too!

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