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Unusual jungle jacket

Article about: Hi everyone, I came across a 70 dated jungle jacket with patches putting in the Philippines. Can anyone tell me anything about it?

  1. #1

    Default Unusual jungle jacket

    Hi everyone,

    I came across a 70 dated jungle jacket with patches putting in the Philippines. Can anyone tell me anything about it?Unusual jungle jacketUnusual jungle jacketUnusual jungle jacketUnusual jungle jacketUnusual jungle jacket

  2. #2


    Looks like a US jacket most likely issued to a Philippian soldier rather than us, I have never seen these patches on a uniform so I would say it is pretty scarce to see them especially in the US

  3. #3


    Is there any value to this? I want it but if it isn't worth it I wont buy it.

  4. #4


    Since it is not older more like the 40s I would say it might be worth in the 30-35 dollar range to the right collector but I have not seen to many of these so if it is cheap I would pick it up

  5. #5


    Thank you for the appraisal, gel

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