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US uniform jacket for Identification H/A patch

Article about: Gday gents , got this today at a charity shop , and i am totally stumped trying to work out the H/A patch , buttons are marked Waterbury and co , can you please assist ? Best regards, Austra

  1. #1

    Default US uniform jacket for Identification H/A patch

    Gday gents , got this today , and i am totally stumped trying to work out the H/A patch , buttons are marked Waterbury and co , can you please assist ?

    Best regards,
    US uniform jacket for Identification H/A patchUS uniform jacket for Identification H/A patchUS uniform jacket for Identification H/A patchUS uniform jacket for Identification H/A patchUS uniform jacket for Identification H/A patchUS uniform jacket for Identification H/A patch
    Last edited by Australia; 04-22-2015 at 09:41 PM.

  2. #2


    Odd one, has WAAC officer's buttons (shot of ww2 OR button)

  3. #3


    Thanks reneblacky , starting to think possibly a military academy/collage jacket ?

  4. #4


    Had confirmation this morning from the original owner , it was for Harker Academy, a military academy in San Jose, California, I have offered to return it to the owner .

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