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WD codes on clothing ect..

Article about: Could someone please explain the codes sometimes found printed on British ww2 clothing.It is a letter over W/|\\D with a number below.Ive heard these are date codes?What would be the codes fo

  1. #1
    NCA is offline

    Default WD codes on clothing ect..

    Could someone please explain the codes sometimes found printed on British ww2 clothing.It is a letter over W/|\D with a number below.Ive heard these are date codes?What would be the codes for the war years then?and the number underneath?Inspectors code?

    Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Default Re: WD codes on clothing ect..

    These are the "known"

    1939 - R
    1940 - Q
    1941 - P
    1942 - O
    1943 - N
    1944 - M
    1945 - Z

    Gary J.

  3. #3
    NCA is offline

    Default Re: WD codes on clothing ect..

    Thank you.Very helpful.I have an ATS service jacket with a missing label but a code is inside the sleeve near the shoulder.Code for 1941

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