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WW2 French Officer's Uniform

Article about: Hello again, I've had this ensemble for awhile now, and I'd thought I'd share it. The uniform bears the insignia of a Lieutenant Colonel of the 21st Regiment of Infantry, and included Kepi,

  1. #1

    Default WW2 French Officer's Uniform

    Hello again,

    I've had this ensemble for awhile now, and I'd thought I'd share it.

    The uniform bears the insignia of a Lieutenant Colonel of the 21st Regiment of Infantry, and included Kepi, Tunic, Sam Browne belt, and breeches.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture WW2 French Officer's Uniform   WW2 French Officer's Uniform  

    WW2 French Officer's Uniform   WW2 French Officer's Uniform  

    WW2 French Officer's Uniform   WW2 French Officer's Uniform  

    WW2 French Officer's Uniform  

  2. #2


    God I suck at this.

  3. #3
    MAP is offline


    iPhone? If so...you are not alone...best to down load photos, rotate and upload direct from your PC.

    Nice grouping!
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  4. #4


    Samsung. I could never figure out the camera. I've done some research on the french Wikipedia and still searching, apparently this is the google-translated excerpt on the WW2 lineage:

    "At the time of the declaration of war, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Lambert; It belongs to the 13 th division of infantry it is in cover in Haut-Rhin. Throughout the winter he was employed in the defensive organization of the southern end of the Maginot line , ready to fight in liaison with the Swiss Army in the event of a violation of Swiss neutrality.

    Germany having attacked abruptly in Belgium, the regiment engages in the battle of the Somme on May 27, 1940, facing Amiens occupied. Until June 7, he opposed the violent assaults of an enemy superior in number and means.

    Then begins the retreat of France during which the survivors of the Somme will stop 4 times to try to slow down the advance of the invader (combat on the Poix river June 8 - Battle of the Oise, June 10 and 12 - Combat on the Barley, June 13 to 15 - Defense of the Loire at Loury, June 17).

    On August 7, 1940, the regiment was dissolved. The regiment has more than 600 dead in less than a month's campaign.

    In March 1945 Western FFI reconstitute a new 21 e RI and participate in the reduction of the German pocket of Saint-Nazaire as the 21 th Airborne Infantry Regiment ( 21 th NLDI).

    After the Second World War, the regiment was again dissolved in November 1945."

    - - ------- - -

    If you guys want more pics, I'll try my best next time.

  5. #5


    Quote by Nottheface View Post
    Samsung. I could never figure out the camera. I've done some research on the french Wikipedia and still searching, apparently this is the google-translated excerpt on the WW2 lineage:

    "At the time of the declaration of war, the regiment was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel Lambert; It belongs to the 13 th division of infantry it is in cover in Haut-Rhin. Throughout the winter he was employed in the defensive organization of the southern end of the Maginot line , ready to fight in liaison with the Swiss Army in the event of a violation of Swiss neutrality.

    Germany having attacked abruptly in Belgium, the regiment engages in the battle of the Somme on May 27, 1940, facing Amiens occupied. Until June 7, he opposed the violent assaults of an enemy superior in number and means.

    Then begins the retreat of France during which the survivors of the Somme will stop 4 times to try to slow down the advance of the invader (combat on the Poix river June 8 - Battle of the Oise, June 10 and 12 - Combat on the Barley, June 13 to 15 - Defense of the Loire at Loury, June 17).

    On August 7, 1940, the regiment was dissolved. The regiment has more than 600 dead in less than a month's campaign.

    In March 1945 Western FFI reconstitute a new 21 e RI and participate in the reduction of the German pocket of Saint-Nazaire as the 21 th Airborne Infantry Regiment ( 21 th NLDI).

    After the Second World War, the regiment was again dissolved in November 1945."

    - - ------- - -

    If you guys want more pics, I'll try my best next time.
    If you have a gmail account attached to your phone you can use your photo app on the phone (not the samsung one) or you can use your computer by going to your gmail account and press the 9 little dots in the top right hand corner. From there you can select photo's and it should show you all the pictures you have taken. Find the pictures, edit, rotate, done. Then top right side of the picture you will see 3 dots, press that and download should be a option.

    And now that the technical side is done, very nice uniform and in very nice condition.

  6. #6


    Should I donate this ensemble to the National WW2 Museum? They expressed interest when I'd inquired some short time ago, but I've been uncertain on the final say-so.

  7. #7
    MAP is offline


    Quote by Nottheface View Post
    Should I donate this ensemble to the National WW2 Museum? They expressed interest when I'd inquired some short time ago, but I've been uncertain on the final say-so.
    Your call. I will guess, 99% of items donated to museums are put into storage. They have only so much space. So if you donate it consider this.

    You might want to ask if this item will go on permanent display or what they plan on doing with it. Then you can have a better handle on what to do. Also ask them if they ever downsize and sell items. Would be a shame to donate and then have them sell it 10 years down the road.
    "Please", Thank You" and proper manners appreciated

    My greatest fear is that one day I will die and my wife will sell my guns for what I told her I paid for them

    "Don't tell me these are investments if you never intend to sell anything" (Quote: Wife)

  8. #8


    Keep it these do not come around often, yours out ranks my Capt from the 279th regt

  9. #9

  10. #10


    Very nice relict!!congratulation!

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