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WW2 US Ike Jacket 4th Armoured Division good or dud

Article about: Hi Just picked up this US Ike jacket badged to the 4th Armoured Division, I am pleased with the buy as all seems good but would welcome anyones opinion. I have identified the first two ribbo

  1. #1

    Default WW2 US Ike Jacket 4th Armoured Division good or dud

    Just picked up this US Ike jacket badged to the 4th Armoured Division, I am pleased with the buy as all seems good but would welcome anyones opinion. I have identified the first two ribbons as being Silver Star & Purple Heart but not sure what the third ribbon is. Also does anyone know what the badge is on the lower sleeve. Also is there anything mssing from the jacket as I have seen one's with US badges on the lapels?
    I would welcome opinions and advice so please feel free to post even to tell me if you have any reservations on aiuthenticity.


  2. #2

    Default Re: WW2 US Ike Jacket 4th Armoured Division good or dud

    Hi Rob, welcome to the forum!

    The jacket etc is original.

    The ribbon is for the Legion of Merit. I doubt this ribbon bar is original to the tunic. It is a high award. The ribbons look very fresh to me.

    The single bar on the cuff is for 6 months overseas service.

    As you have noted, it should have collar dogs, a US and a branch of service insignia.

    Cheers, Ade.

  3. #3

    Default Re: WW2 US Ike Jacket 4th Armoured Division good or dud

    Hi Ade
    Thanks for the welcome and the info you posted.
    I shall have to try and find the collars, is there anywhere you would recommend to look
    Much appreciated


  4. #4

    Default Re: WW2 US Ike Jacket 4th Armoured Division good or dud

    I agree with Ade, the ribbon bar is definatly not original to the tunic. the legion of merrit is normaly awarded to officers for meritorious service and achievement.

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