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1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

Article about: Hello all! This is my first post on the M1 helmet sub-forum. This is one (Out of 6 currently) of the M1 helmets I have collected over the years. I was gifted this helmet in my earlier days o

  1. #1

    Default 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    Hello all! This is my first post on the M1 helmet sub-forum. This is one (Out of 6 currently) of the M1 helmets I have collected over the years. I was gifted this helmet in my earlier days of collecting.

    At the time I figured that this front seam Mccord was refurbished & stenciled in the 70s-80s with a new liner and chinstraps or . . . . The stencil and paint is fake and the 1970s hardware & liner added 'post-humously' for lack of a better word.
    Now a days I am leaning more towards the latter especially since I don't know who my family got this helmet from and the rim seems to be rebent in places. But I would love to hear more experienced opinions.

    Either way It makes for a good display helmet.

    The Heat-stamp is 926A Which does make it WW2 manufactured.

    Thank you for any and all replies and opinions as this shell has always stumped me.

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake? 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake? 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake? 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake? 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake? 1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?

  2. #2


    Good looking lid. It does appear to be a 1980’s rework, possibly NG or even for reenactment. Do you know the date of the sweatband?
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  3. #3


    Quote by Tank Destroyer View Post
    Good looking lid. It does appear to be a 1980’s rework, possibly NG or even for reenactment. Do you know the date of the sweatband?
    Thank you for the speedy reply!

    The sweatband is stamped but it is very faded and hard to read.

    Judging by a different 'Grenada' M1 helmet liner with removable webbing & sweatband In my collection dated 7, sept, 73 that is very similar, the sweatband in my 1st lieutenants is probably early-mid 70s.

    Here is a quick picture of the rear of the sweatband on my 1st Lieutenant M1 (One of the spring clips is missing in the liner).

    1st Lieutenant Mccord. 1970s refurbish or fake?
    Last edited by Mordecai; 09-05-2024 at 04:52 AM.

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