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Arvn ranger helmet

Article about: Picked up this rare ARVN Ranger helmet. Hope you enjoy the photos.

  1. #11


    Quote by tank destroyer View Post
    I have been watching this helmet over at USMF. An absolutely stunning helmet I am proud to see that you won this one. I know you took a large gamble but this one truly paid off. The only way you could top this one is to find another, but this may be the only one around. if there is another one out there I would love to have it in my collection. Again a GREAT FIND!!!! WOW!!!!!
    I dont think you will ever see another one like it, this is the first one like it Ive ever seen, it's kind of like a once in a lifetime find.

    My guess, is a US advisor probably picked out a nice one to take home as a souvenir and it just came out of the wood work from his estate.

  2. #12


    My guess, is a US advisor probably picked out a nice one to take home as a souvenir and it just came out of the wood work from his estate.

    My guess exactly.
    The seller was a Vietnam vet. I never buy the helmet for the story but he told me he got it at a flea market.
    He said that the person who sold it to him was another Vietnam vet who had his duffle bag full of all of his stuff to sell.
    The helmet was found at the bottom of the bag.

  3. #13


    Again, as I said myself DANG FINE HELMET!!!!!
    Fortune favors the brave 644th td

  4. #14


    Thank you Marty

  5. #15


    Just bumping this up for others who have not seen it.
    Still have this helmet in my collection.

  6. #16

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