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band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

Article about: Got a chance to pick this up in trade, the autographs were signed during there 58th reunion in Norfolk,va the autos look legit , has babe heffron,wild bill and shifty to name a few so what's

  1. #1

    Default band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

    Got a chance to pick this up in trade, the autographs were signed during there 58th reunion in Norfolk,va the autos look legit , has babe heffron,wild bill and shifty to name a few so what's your thoughts

    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

  2. #2


    Tough call without provenance. You'd have to check
    it against known autographs. Pics of the signing
    would be proof positive. If real, could be worth
    a lot, I'd imagine. It is entirely possible too,
    that the sigs were done by one hand.

    Just my two cents.........


  3. #3


    They legit guy showed me pics of wild bill,shifty and babe signing the helmet, also checked wild bill auto to the one I have that's psa certified and matches his auto on the helmet, he said he send me copy's of the signing and if I am not happy with it then he trade back without now hassle, he has a 100% trading rating

  4. #4


    With all that, it would be a great lid to own
    and will only increase in value and interest.
    Hopefully the copies of the photos are
    high quality prints.........


  5. #5


    Yep Steve going to be my prize lid, everyone on that helmet is a true hero and worth what I Gave up to get it which was my m3 flak helmet and a ww1 m1917 helmet with VFW decal on front

  6. #6


    Helmet is in hand and wow

    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet
    band of brothers autographed m1 helmet

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