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US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

Article about: I have owned this helmet for many years, it is quite unusual as the photographs will show,any help that members can offer will be much appreciated since i found a cache of helmets purchased

  1. #1

    Default US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    I have owned this helmet for many years, it is quite unusual as the photographs will show,any help that members can offer will be much appreciated since i found a cache of helmets purchased since 1958 then stored with a group of east german uniforms, placed in a cedar lined box and stored and forgotten by me.
    Is it unissued but the liner is seemingly unusual or was it a contract issue to a u.s. Ally after ww2. It is a movable bale with the chinstrap being og the the ball and hook. The liner does not have a leather strap. Can any one date iy or offer vany other remarks. Thank you,
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin   US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin  

    US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin   US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin  

  2. #2

    Default re: US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    Liner is U.S. 1983 as per the DLA code on the suspension.It is missing the sweatband and 3 point mount nape strap.Does the chinstrap buckle have a anchor stamp? If so it is 'Nam era I believe.Rich A. in Pa.

  3. #3

    Default re: US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    as rich has said the liner is a 1983 made version as for the shell if its US made its probably of the same date or it could be whats called a euro clone made by another country & not by the US i don't believe the chin strap is US made either ?

  4. #4

    Default re: US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    Thank you nick as always.

  5. #5

    Default re: US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    your welcome mate

  6. #6

    Default re: US M1 pot unusual. Need help with the details and their origin

    The concavity and finish of the steel pot look very much to be a euro clone as has been stated. It is not US and probably worth less than 30 dollars at most for any collector.

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