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Ebay Tank

Article about: for the record here's the remaining shots

  1. #1

    Default Ebay Tank

    Have tried to mount the pictures with no luck..
    Spotted this on Ebay not sure if its a good price
    I like it but dont have $5000 or the know how..

    WW2 Army M3 Grant Tank | eBay

  2. #2
    mpw is offline

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Here is a quick pic for future reference.
    Ebay Tank


  3. #3

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    "Local pick-up only" - that I believe.
    What a wreck.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Looks like its been converted for farm work

  5. #5

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Deffo farm work, big job to restore this one! my Jeep is hard enough

  6. #6

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Could have been a recovery vehicle. Didn't those have a crane like that?

    Here's a model I found:


  7. #7

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Could be based on that,but hundreds of these things and universal carriers were sold at 5 or 6 pound each and farmers stripped them down and modified them....often dumping the turrets and armament at the back of their field somewhere....a mate of mines grandfather had a Sherman, and ripped it apart and used it as a tractor, he dumped th turret in a dry creek bed in 1947, it's still there

    Edit....just spoke to him and after he died 15 years ago, they sold the hull, and recovered the turret.....it's currently being rebuilt.....

  8. #8

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Would be more useful as spares for restoring another M3-there were fields full of these left abandoned in rural areas after the war here in Australia-some used as pretty inefficient tractors (but better than nothing in post war austerity) or just left there.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    $5000 isnt a bad price though ? is it ?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Ebay Tank

    Quote by lithgow View Post
    Would be more useful as spares for restoring another M3-there were fields full of these left abandoned in rural areas after the war here in Australia-some used as pretty inefficient tractors (but better than nothing in post war austerity) or just left there.
    Hope you dont need spares for the engine in the other M3 then

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