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NKVD Budenovka authenticity

Article about: Hi everyone, I recently was offered a fairly good deal on a NKVD Budenovka that the seller claims to be an original piece. Despite looking through various threads and forums for examples of

  1. #1

    Default NKVD Budenovka authenticity

    Hi everyone,
    I recently was offered a fairly good deal on a NKVD Budenovka that the seller claims to be an original piece. Despite looking through various threads and forums for examples of authentic 1930s-era Budenovkas, I couldn't conclude whether the item in question is authentic or a recent replica. I was hoping I could find an answer on this thread before spending a significant amount of money on what could end up being a fake. I am particularly interested in Soviet militaria but unfortunately, my knowledge of Budenovkas is pretty limited. Any help or advice from other collectors would be very appreciated! Thank you so much for your time!


    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    NKVD Budenovka authenticity
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture NKVD Budenovka authenticity   NKVD Budenovka authenticity  

    NKVD Budenovka authenticity  
    Last edited by TripleNickel977; 06-15-2022 at 07:42 AM. Reason: Photos

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    Circuit advertisement NKVD Budenovka authenticity
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  3. #2


    This ebay seller has both good and bad items of which the majority is postwar (and postwar being offered as wartime). Can't judge this cap on pure facts but I know I would spend my money on something else.
    A "fairly good deal" as you name it is extremely rare on ebay

  4. #3


    Thank you for your insight! It's good to get a second opinion, especially on an item with a pretty high price tag.

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