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1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

Article about: Hi Guys, the wound badge is one of my collecting interests. I am very fond of these first issue badges, whatever title you care to give them Here is one of my favourite badges from my entire

  1. #1

    Default 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Hi Guys, the wound badge is one of my collecting interests. I am very fond of these first issue badges, whatever title you care to give them

    Here is one of my favourite badges from my entire collection.

    This Gold wound badge was brought home by a British Soldier who fought in North Africa.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen   1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen  

    1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen   1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen  

    1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen  

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    Circuit advertisement 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen
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  3. #2

    Default re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Here is a silver wound badge.

    There are many different makers of this first issue badge, so they can be found in many slightly different die forms.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen   1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen  

  4. #3

    Default re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    And now the lowest grade in black.

    Cheers, Ade.
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen   1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen  

    Attached Images Attached Images 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen 

  5. #4

    Default re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    The gold one is extrimelly rare, and you are lucky owner. Today is hard and nearly impossible to find a good one- I don't say about the price....

  6. #5

    Default re: 1936 Pattern

    Hi Dimas, I can tell you the Gold one cost me £30 about 30 years ago.

    The British soldier found it in a fireplace in a house in North Africa. It was hidden under some rubbish. He was ordered by an Officer to light a fire and that is how he found it.

    Cheers, Ade.

  7. #6

    Default Re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    These are very nice. I like the style a little more with these. I got a silver one with a bunch of other stuff from my wifes family but unfortunately I think its a fake. Someday I will get a black one witch is good enough for me. Lee

  8. #7

    Default Re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Very nice and a great story( and price!!) about the gold one!
    I do have the lowest grade, but; de-nazified.
    A medal you better buy than earn.....!! ;-)
    Always looking for Belgian Congo stuff!


  9. #8

    Default Re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Wow ade these are just beautiful ! I throught the silver badges where all solid ? Or is that the 1936 version ?

    Kind regards

  10. #9

    Default Re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Quote by banksy View Post
    Or is that the 1936 version ?

    Looking for LDO marked EK2s and items relating to U-406.....

  11. #10

    Default Re: 1936 Pattern "Spanish" or "Legion Condor" Verwundetenabzeichen

    Very nice set of Spanish badges.




    Whatever its just an opinion.

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