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U.S Jungle jacket for expertise

Article about: Hello the Vietnam Vet and other nice collectors ! Just one question please, what do you think about that one ? The DSA is missing...Looks Vietnam war period ? possible to dated the jacket wi

  1. #1

    Default U.S Jungle jacket for expertise

    Hello the Vietnam Vet and other nice collectors ! Just one question please, what do you think about that one ? The DSA is missing...Looks Vietnam war period ? possible to dated the jacket with patch or other stamp ? I make investigation with name and compagny but hard to tell...many thanks for your help !!!

    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
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  3. #2


    Vietnam period, second pattern, jungle fatigue blouse. First pattern had exposed pocket buttons. Has a subdued 25th Infantry Division patch, also known as the Tropic Lighting, on the shoulder. Patch looks to be theater made but not 100% certain. Theater made Vietnam patches aren't my strong point. See what others have to say.


    Gerry C


  4. #3


    Hello Gerry, thank again for your time and knowledge ! yes seems to be Vietnam theater made ( insignia is not identical, hand made ) if right, that is a real piece of history !

    another theater made for exemple, exemple are very similar at mine :

    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise
    U.S Jungle jacket for expertise

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