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U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?

Article about: Hello all, always hard to tell if items was here or not, I would like your opinion about that one please, looks real combat item in Vietnam ? many thanks

  1. #1

    Default U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?

    Hello all, always hard to tell if items was here or not, I would like your opinion about that one please, looks real combat item in Vietnam ? many thanks

    U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?
    U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?
    U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?
    U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?
    Click to enlarge the picture Click to enlarge the picture U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?  

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    Circuit advertisement U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?
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  3. #2


    I think you will never know if its been used in Vietnam or not unless it came from a Vet

  4. #3


    Many thanks Kradman, the patch seems to be hand worked ? I never seen that one before...thanks all !

  5. #4


    It's been a while since I collected these, but I have a few. I think your one is from the 1980's. The label code "082" will indicate 1982 manufacture I seem to recall. Here's a photo of the label from one of mine, a 1969 made OG-107 combat coat. Note the "69" indicates year.

    U.S Jungle jacket looks real ?

    Check out this thread too.

    "Tropic Lightning" OG-107 Cotton combat tunic 1969"

  6. #5


    Many thanks ! yes it's very strange to not seen the birth manufacture on my DSA stamp... After if the patch is original to the jacket the story of this division is :

    198th Infantry Brigade (United States)

    During the years of 1967–1971 as part of the Vietnam War the 198th was part of the United States Army's 23rd "Americal" Infantry Division. In 1968, elements of the 198th Infantry Brigade, under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Robert B. Nelson, participated in the Battle of Kham Duc. On 21 November 1969, Colonel Joseph G. Clemons, (of Pork Chop Hill fame), assumed command of the 198th Infantry Brigade.

    The 198th Infantry Brigade, was first formed as part of the United States Army Reserve's 99th Division. It was active from 1967 through 1971 and has been active since 2007 as an Infantry Training Brigade as part of the US Army Infantry School at Fort Moore (formerly Fort Benning), Georgia.

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